Ex Libris Users of North America (ELUNA) Representatives represent their institutions and are expected to gather input from all relevant divisions, branches, autonomous libraries, etc.
The time commitment for this position is heaviest when the Community Enhancement Requests and Voting (CERV) voting for Alma and Primo takes place. See Upcoming Product Enhancement Cycles for anticipated dates. Representatives can also follow the ELUNA Alma and Primo email lists for notifications when voting cycles begin.
If an institution wants to change their ELUNA Representative, the change must be communicated to the Alliance Office by the Library Dean/Director for that institution.
Michele DeSilva
Co-Chair, CDL Project Group FY25
Central Oregon Community College
Mark Kremkow
Clackamas Community College
Kevin Edwards
Clark College
Rose Sliger Krause
Co-Chair, Cataloging Standing Group FY25
Eastern Washington University
Anji Mertens
Gonzaga University
Bahram Refaei
Linfield University
Paul Gardner
Oregon Health & Science University
Jim Cloen
Oregon Institute of Technology
Hui Zhang
Digital Services Librarian
Oregon State University
Meagan Button
Pacific University
Maria Wagner
Portland Community College
Laura Buchholz
Reed College
Natalee Vick
Seattle Pacific University
Doug Eriksen
Director of Library Systems & Technology
Seattle University
Rami Attebury
University of Idaho
Margaret Alexander
Core Systems Librarian
University of Oregon
Peggy Burge
University of Puget Sound
Anne Pepitone
Chair, Primo Release Testing Standing Group FY24
University of Washington
Blake Galbreath
Core Systems Librarian
Washington State University
Stewart Baker
Western Oregon University
Mary Wegmann
Western Washington University
Lindsay Tebeck
Whitman College
Paul Ojennus
Whitworth University