The document describes both the WorldShare Collection Manager that is used to create the daily files of new, updated, merged, and deleted WorldCat records for the Alliance, and the Alma NZ import profiles that are used to load the records into the NZ.
The Alliance has a collection defined in WorldShare Collection Manager that includes all WorldCat bib records that have title-level holdings attached by one or more Alliance libraries. WorldShare Collection Manager uses this collection to create daily files of new, updated, merged, and deleted WorldCat bib records which are made available to the Alliance for loading into the Alma Network Zone.
“New” records are defined as any WorldCat record that has a title-level holdings attached by the first Alliance library, i.e., it previously did not have title-level holdings attached by any Alliance library. “Updated” records have had a changed made that meets the criteria we, the Alliance, have defined in WorldShare Collection Manger as a change of interest. “Merged” records are records that have been included in a record merge in OCLC. “Deleted” records are defined as any WorldCat record that has had its title-level holdings for the last Alliance library removed. That is, no Alliance libraries have holdings set on the record any longer.
Due to OCLC file delivery and Alma import profile schedules, records edited in Connexion will be updated in Alma two business days after the Connexion update. If immediate updating of a bib record in Alma is desired, release the record from the Alma Metadata Editor and export (F5) the record from Connexion to the Network Zone.
Collection Properties & Settings
Collection name: Orbis Cascade Master Collection
Collection size: 10,713,190 as of 2/16/2021
OCLC symbol: OCACL
Collection ID: customer.132981.9
Created: 5/29/2019
Collection Type: Ongoing delivery
Use Proxy: Disable for this collection
Selection Criteria: Any WorldCat record with title-level holdings attached for one or more of the following OCLC symbols:
Maintain WorldCat holdings for OCACL = No
Proxy-based URL prefix = None
Enable MARC Records Delivery = Yes
Customize MARC record options:
- Add 049 $a MAIN
- Delete fields: 029, 936, 938, 984
When we would like to receive updated records = Any change to the WorldCat record
Standard for delivered records: MARC 21 with UTF-8 Unicode
Delivery Frequency = Daily
Alma NZ Import Profiles
The “OCLC New Bibs”, “OCLC Updated Bibs”, “OCLC Merged Bibs”, and “OCLC Deleted Bibs” profiles are used to automatically pick-up and load the daily files for new, updated, merged, and deleted WorldCat bib records, respectively. The profiles are set up almost identically. The screenshots below show the “OCLC Updated Bibs” profile in its entirety. Changes for other profiles are noted here:
- OCLC New Bibs:
- File name patterns: ^*.mrc$
- Input directory: /xfer/metacoll/out/ongoing/new
- Max number of files: 4
- Filter out the data using: Leave blank
- Upon no match: Import
- OCLC Merged Bibs:
- File name patterns: ^metacoll.OCACL.merges.D*.mrc$
- Input directory: /xfer/metacoll/out/ongoing/updates
- Disregard canceled/invalid system control number identifiers: Leave blank
- OCLC Deleted Bibs:
- File name patterns: ^metacoll.OCACL.deletes.D*.mrc$
- Input directory: /xfer/metacoll/out/ongoing/deletes
- Filter out the data using: Leave blank
- Correct the data using: Leave blank
- Upon match: Do not import
- Merge method: Keep only old value
- Disregard canceled/invalid system control number identifiers: Leave blank
Note that the OCLC Deleted Bibs profile does not actually load records to the NZ. Instead, central staff use the job report to download the matched records in .mrc format. The OCLC numbers from those matching records are then harvested using MarcEdit and used to create a set of deletion candidates in Alma. Records with inventory and 979 Bound-with markers are removed before the remaining records are deleted.
Profile Details Tab

Normalization & Validation Tab

Match Profile Tab

Set Management Tags Tab

Inventory Information Tab

Software: Alma
Current phase: NA
Written by: Bob Thomas
Approved by: NA
Last updated: 02/16/2021
Nature of last update: Major revision
Document History:
- Added merge and delete processing details, updated screenshots and WSCM details.
- Updated record change information and load timing by Lesley Lowery,
- Updated screenshots by Milly Williams;
- Created by Bob Thomas and added to Alliance website 08/01/2016