E-Resources Program: Non-Member Affiliates

Libraries that become active participants in the Alliance E-Resources Program (ERP) gain many of the same benefits Alliance members now realize by acquiring electronic resources as part a group. We are also interested in working with consortia that are able to participate as a single entity (e.g., one contact person, one source for billing).

The Alliance charges administrative fees, but our intent is to keep such fees minimal. All fees are set on a cost-recovery basis. Individual academic, not-for-profit libraries located in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Hawaii are eligible to join the program. Libraries pay the following fees to participate–note that the Fees have been changed starting in July 2024:

  • No enrollment Fee
  • 2% administrative fee is added to an agreement price that saves at least 5% off list.
  • $25 administrative fee per invoice (when participating in 20 or more ERP agreements)

Participants in the Alliance ERP may:

  • Subscribe to a ERP Affiliates email list that provides information on new resources under consideration, product trials, and opportunities to be included in quotes for new or renewing resources.
  • Realize the savings provided through a consortial agreement for a given resource.
  • Manager their renewal decisions and workflow using the ConsortiaManager system.
  • Suggest resources for purchase that your institution might be considering to gauge interest in a consortial agreement.
  • Take advantage of central licensing done by the Alliance (when possible).

Library staff at Alliance ERP institutions are invited to subscribe to our ER-Nonmember email list

Questions and other correspondence regarding participation in Orbis Cascade e-resource agreements should be sent to: eresources@orbiscascade.org.

Inquiries about becoming an ERP Affiliate should be directed to Jesse Holden, Program Manager for Shared Content & Scholarly Communication.

List of Alliance ERP (non-member) participants:

Bellevue College
Bellingham Technical College
Big Bend Community College
Blue Mountain Community College
Boise State University
Bushnell University
Cascadia Community College
Centralia College
Chaminade University
City University of Seattle
Clatsop Community College 
Clover Park Technical College
College of Southern Idaho
Columbia Basin College 
Columbia Gorge Community College
Community Colleges of Spokane
Corban College
Corban University
Everett Community College
Grays Harbor College
Green River College
Hawaii Pacific University 
Heritage University 
Highline Community College
Idaho State University
Klamath Community College
L&C Northwestern School of Law
Lewis-Clark State College
Linn-Benton Community College
Lower Columbia College
Multnomah County Library
Multnomah University
New Hope Christian College
Northern Arizona University Library
Northwest Nazarene University
Northwest University
Northwestern School of Law
Olympic College
ONPRC Primate Library
Oregon Coast Community College
Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
Pacific Lutheran University
Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences 
Peninsula College
Pierce College
Renton Technical College
Rogue Community College
Seattle Colleges
Shoreline Community College
Skagit Valley Community College
South Puget Sound Community College
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Spokane Community College
Spokane Falls Community College
Tacoma Community College
Umpqua Community College
University of Arkansas
University of Hawai’i – Manoa
University of Hawai’i – West Oahu 
University of Wyoming
Walla Walla Community College
Washington State University Pullman
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Washington State University Vancouver
Wenatchee Valley College
Western Seminary Library
Whatcom Community College 
Willamette University-Hatfield 
Yakima Valley College

If this program is not right for your library, you might consider these other options: