Configuration Documentation for Loans and Requests

Screenshot of institution rules list with the type of Loan.

Fulfillment Units

A Fulfillment Unit is a group of locations that are requested and circulate similarly. Fulfillment unit rules can be used to apply TOUs to subsets of materials based on location, material type, item policy, process type, and users.

Screenshot of an advanced policy configuration table.

Terms of Use and Advanced Policy Configuration

A predefined group of policies that defines how Alma will respond to different activities (such as loaning, requesting, or booking items).

Screenshot of an item policies code table in Alma.

Item Policies

Item policies create exception rules in the fulfillment unit rules so that specific items in a certain location will circulate differently than the typical items stored in this location.

Putting It All Together

  • Lots of different things are at play when you are ready to LOAN an item. This document was created as a part of the Life Cycle of a Loan Series. Other documents in the series can be found on the Holds and Requests page.
  • Overdue and Lost – a presentation from Summer Meeting 2023  Recording (24:34) and presentation file (Google Slides).
  • Here’s a unique situation to help synthesize the use of Item Policies, Advanced Policy Configuration, and Term of Use: create a set of Fulfillment Unit Rules that will apply different overdue fine amounts to Faculty, Grad, and Undergrad Students!

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