The Fulfillment Standing Group (FSG) maintains these documentation and training resources for fulfillment operations and configurations in Alma.
Time Flies – Adjust Your Calendars!
The FSG worked through the dark hours of winter to update documentation on calendars! You can find the results here!
- Calendars and Due Dates Basics
- Institutions vs. Libraries
- Events vs. Exceptions
- Terms of Use and Calendars
Hot tip – did you know you can download the calendar, edit it, and then re-upload it, doing all the work in Excel? (Just remember to apply and save).

Have an idea for the FSG? Would you like to share your documentation? Have a suggestion for our next project? Contact the FSG!
Course Reserves
This link will lead you to a collection of documentation on Reserves workflows in Alma from a variety of Alliance institutions, as well as a document and series of demos on Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) for Course Reserves.
Fulfillment Rules, Terms of Use, and Item Policies
This is where to go when you need to know how to create or edit the rules that direct how your materials circulate. It is an ever expanding resource of guides and example scenarios related to fulfillment configuration.
Holds and Requests
Documentation on holds, hold shelf maintenance, bookings, and all things requesting.
Letters and Notifications
A collection of documentation about how to edit and customize a variety of letters in Alma.
Admin, Calendars, and User Management
In most of our libraries, there isn’t a singular department that claims responsibility for managing all aspects of the Admin, Calendars, and User accounts, in Alma. At least some pieces fall to circulation or fulfillment staff at various times. Here is a cache of documents to help you navigate these areas.
Emergency Response
Inspired by the COVID-19 Pandemic, these resources can help you in situations of limited staffing, unexpected closures, and quarantine necessities.

Have a question for a colleague?
This is a list of your colleagues who know how to do things and who have volunteered to answer your burning fulfillment questions.
Want to check out more resources?
Here are some great external sources we’ve found that can provide additional information.