User Experience Research Methods


The User Experience Standing Group (UXSG) is developing resources in response to a 2024 community needs survey that asked Alliance member staff to share their thoughts and experiences about accessibility and user experience (UX). Responses indicated high interest for observational, participatory, survey, data-driven, and interview research methods. Responses also revealed that demonstrations and documentation are more helpful formats for learning about UX topics and research methods.

Members of the 2024-2025 UXSG focused on developing demonstration-based resources for UX research methods, along with creating initial documentation for members of the 2025-2026 UXSG to develop and complete.

UX Sampler Sessions

A community learning series that will offer an introduction to a variety of user experience (UX) research methods intended for all experience levels and all areas of library work.

Facilitators: Members of the User Experience Standing GroupLeah Cover, Chair (The Evergreen State College), Tom Dodson (Southern Oregon State University), Darla Garcia (Linfield University), Emily Pearson (Whitman College), Amanda Pirog (University of Washington Tacoma), Christy Scott (Walla Walla University), and Kathleen Veldhuisen (Chemeketa Community College)

Topics & Dates:

  • Observational UX Research Methods. Usability testing and physical space studies – Tuesday, April 8, 1:00pm-2:00pm
  • Interview & Survey UX Research Methods, part 1. Photo studies and love/break-up letters – Tuesday, April 22, 1:00pm-2:00pm
  • Interview & Survey UX Research Methods, part 2. Surveys and focus groups – Tuesday, May 6, 1:00pm-2:00pm
  • Participatory UX Research Methods. Journey mapping and cognitive mapping – Tuesday, May 20, 1:00pm-2:00pm
  • Data Town Hall Conversation. Managing and analyzing data once you’ve gathered it – Monday, June 2, 1:00pm-2:00pm

Online Series: Registration for Alliance Members (Register once with the ability to attend any of the sessions.)
The series will be recorded with a focus on the presentation portions. (Alliance Central Staff will pause or stop the recording during discussion sections.)

Description: UX (User Experience) research can be used to evaluate and improve a user’s experience in spaces, at service points, with navigating processes, and more. This five-part community learning series will offer a “sampler” of UX research methods that can be used in a variety of contexts. The sessions are divided by broad categories of UX research, and each session will focus on two UX research methods within that category, followed by time for discussion. This series is open to all levels of experience with UX research and may be especially useful for those who are curious about UX methods but haven’t implemented them on their own.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will learn the basics of eight UX research methods, including how and in which contexts to employ each method.
  • Participants will receive practical strategies and best practices for conducting studies using the UX methods.
  • Participants will reflect on questions of data management and analysis that allow for data-driven decision making.