Open the native Primo login dialog box on load.
Category: Training & Documentation
Collapse the “Get it at other institutions” List by Default
Collapse the list of Summit libraries in full records by default.
Analytics FAQs: Display Total Rows
Add the total number of rows to the top of an analysis using an aggregate function and a narrative view.
Analytics FAQs: List of Holdings with Note
Create a report of records with a specific note in the holdings data.
Primo VE Toolkit
Customizations for the Primo New UI from the Primo Customization Standing Group (PCSG).
Turn on Inheritance from the Central Package in Primo VE
Turn on inheritance from the Central Package for a view in Primo VE to access modules written by the PCSG.
Make Changes to Your Local Package in Primo VE
Instructions for making changes to your local customization package for a view in Primo VE.
Bookmarklet to View Label Codes in Primo VE
A bookmarklet to view the codes for labels in Primo VE.
Using Record Templates in the Alma Metadata Editor
These instructions show how to create, edit, and use templates in the Alma Metadata Editor.