Recommendations for styling the Get It and View It sections of full records.
Category: Training & Documentation
Rapido Project Group (RPG)
Alliance Rapido Libraries Meetings and Agendas The Rapido Project Group (RPG) meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 11am. Meetings are open to all members of the Alliance community, and each meeting will feature time for community questions and input. Our running agenda, including a link to our meeting room, is […]
External Search Facet
Add a facet to transfer a user’s search to an external target, such as WorldCat or Google Scholar.
OaDOI Link
Add a link to Open Access content in Primo full records.
HathiTrust Availability
Add links to HathiTrust in Primo brief results.
Add Custom Action
Add custom action to the “Send to” ribbon in Primo.
Text a Call Number
Add an action to text the location(s) and call number(s) of a physical title to a phone number.
Badges Information Modal
Add information icons beside the peer review and open access badges for articles.
Enlarge Cover Image
Add a button over cover images that opens an enlarged version.
Add Custom Links to the
Insert custom links into the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of Primo.