This policy ensures operators working in an Institution Zone do not delete Network Zone records that appear bare, but in fact may be linked to bound-with titles in a local IZ.
Category: Training & Documentation
Creating a Set of Boundwith Records
These instructions show one method of creating a set of boudwith records so they can be excluded from other sets.
Automatic loading of WorldShare Collection files via FTP
When files in WorldShare Collections reach the 31-day mark of existence they will be placed in a ZIP file. This document explains the impact on Alliance libraries and what needs to be done.
Alma OCA Normalize Process
Normalization rules can be grouped together and packaged into a single process which can then be used in both import profiles and external system configurations (e.g., the Alma configuration for OCLC’s Connexion imports) to modify all bibliographic records being imported into Alma.
Alma Indication Rules: Tips and Tricks for Alliance Members
This FAQ addresses questions gathered from the Technical Services community about indication rules.
Best Practice: Adding missing ISBNs to existing WorldCat records
When Alliance catalogers find Network Zone records that lack ISBNs, the ISBNs should be added to the WorldCat master record.
Alma Daily Bib Record Updates & OCLC WorldShare Collection Manager
The document describes both the WorldCat Collection Manager that is used to create the daily files of new, updated, merged, and deleted WorldCat records for the Alliance, and the Alma NZ import profiles that are used to load the records into the NZ.
Archives West and Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Documentation
Documentation and trainings for Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
EAD Encoding Template
XML template for encoding in EAD2002 according to the most current version of the Alliance’s EAD Best Practices
Using OpenRefine for Cleanup
This documentation assists institutions in doing metadata cleanup as part of their transition to ArchivesSpace.