This document describes policy and methods for overlaying individual bibliographic records in Alma with records exported from OCLC Connexion client or brought into the Network Zone (NZ) from daily OCLC loads.
Category: Training & Documentation
Bibliographic Records with Multiple OCLC Numbers – Summary and Cleanup
This FAQ addresses the problems caused when bib records in the Alliance Network Zone (NZ) contain two or more different OCLC numbers in separate 035 subfields.
Policy: Numeric Character References
This policy is about the use of Numeric Character References (NCRs) in MARC cataloging records.
Alma Merge Rules in the NZ Account
This document lists each of the merge rules created in the NZ along with the purpose and text of each rule.
Non-serial E-Resources in Alma: Best Practices for Local Collections
This document provides best practices for Alliance libraries as they manage non-serial electronic resources in Alma within the context of current functionality and partial consortial migration.
Policy: Network Zone Record Deletion – Import Profiles
This policy ensures incoming institutions can match to Network Zone records and is critical to preserve bibliographic records in the Network Zone.
Policy: Minimum Acquisitions Data
ndicating inventory (holdings, items, and portfolios) in Alma’s Network Zone for materials both ordered and cataloged will avoid unnecessary duplication, allow member libraries to make acquisitions decisions based on the most current and accurate data, and support increased collaborative technical services and cooperative collection development between Alliance libraries.
Local Fields Best Practices, FAQ, and Tables
This page contains best practices and FAQs about local fields in Alma.
Policy: Importing Records to the Network Zone Without Consistent OCLC Numbers
This policy specifies the process for loading bibliographic records from vendors that do not supply OCLC control numbers (OCNs).
Guidelines for Editing PCC Bibs in WorldCat
These guidelines clarify what can be edited by NACO/SACO institutions and non-NACO/SACO institutions.