Accessions, agents, and subjects are some of the building blocks of any type of ArchivesSpace implementation. This training focuses on creating records that are compliang with DACS and related standards, and on linking these elements.
Category: Training & Documentation
ArchivesSpace Training
The Archives & Manuscripts (A&M) Collections Service offers participating institutions training in implementing, migrating to, and using ArchivesSpace.
Policy: Working in Alma and the Network Zone
This policy sets out the overarching principles regarding working in the Network Zone that Alliance members must understand.
Use of Faceted Terms in Cataloging
These best practices address how to use faceted terms in bibliographic records.
Policy: Suppression of Records in Alma
This policy specifies how records in the Network Zone (NZ) should be suppressed in different situations.
Best Practice: Sharing Import Profiles to the Community Zone
Following shared naming conventions will allow Alliance libraries to easily identity other Alliance import profiles shared with the Alma community.
Policy: Retaining and Deleting MARC Fields in OCLC Records
Catalogers must retain all MARC fields in OCLC records when exporting from Connexion with the exception of the 029 field, which must be deleted.
OCLC Member Merge Participation
Alliance members who participate in the OCLC Member Merge program receive extensive training to get authorization to perform master record merges.
Policy: Overlaying Brief Bibs in the Network Zone
This policy addresses when to overlay brief bibs contributed by other Alliance libraries.
Procedures: Overlay in Alma
Procedures for overlaying a bibliographic record in the IZ and/or NZ.