Documentation and examples for configuring fulfillment units, terms of use (TOUs), and item policies in Alma.
Category: Documentation
Course Reserves
Documentation and tutorials for creating course reserves in Alma.
Summit Visiting Patrons – Away from the Library
Policy and procedure for adopting Summit Visiting Patrons from another Alliance member institution.
Analytics Training
A practical guide to Alma and Primo Analytics from the Central Analytics Standing Group.
Central Package
The Central Package (CP) is maintained by the Primo Customization Standing Group (PCSG).
Primo Documentation
Documentation related to the Alliance’s Shared Integrated Library System (SILS) discovery layer, Ex Libris Primo.
API Presentations
This document collects presentations about the Ex Libris APIs by staff at Alliance institutions.
Ex Libris APIs: An Introduction
This document provides a basic introduction to the API functionality available in the ExLibris systems. namely Alma, Primo and Analytics.
Coordinating and Performing the Study
This section of the User Testing Toolkit offers pointers for preparing and running a user test.
Analysis and Celebration of Results
Analysis strategies should be informed by your user testing plan, which includes the scope and the purpose of the project, testing goals and objectives, and testing methodology.