Suggested practices for accessibility support focused on neuroinclusion in management and the workplace.
Category: Documentation
Management and Workplace
Suggested practices for accessibility support focused on neuroinclusion in management and the workplace.
Resources used in the development of the Cognitive Diversity and Neuroinclusion toolkit.
Creators and Editors
The creators and editors of the Cognitive Diversity and Neuroinclusion toolkit.
Cognitive Diversity and Neuroinclusion
This toolkit shares introductory resources about accessibility support for neurodivergence and cognitive diversity.
Identifying IZ Records Linked to Deleted NZ Records
This page documents the processes used at the Network and Institution levels to identify institution records linked to a deleted network record.
Restoring Records with the Manage Deleted Repository Function in Alma
This documentation instructs staff on the use of the Manage Deleted Repository function to restore records. It also shows how to verify that the restored record is properly linked to the Network Zone.
Alma Instructions for Alliance Distributed Print Repository (DPR) Titles
This document describes the process for marking Alliance Distributed Print Repository (DPR) records in Alma.
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