These resources are helpful to new NRSG members in learning how to develop and implement Primo VE display, search, and facet fields.
Category: Technical Services
Acquisitions, Cataloging
NRSG Working Resources
These resources are helpful in the development and implementation of Primo VE display, search, and facet fields.
Primo VE Display Field Feedback
Use this form to send feedback on Primo VE display fields to the Alliance’s Normalization Rules Standing Group (NRSG).
Using Record Templates in the Alma Metadata Editor
These instructions show how to create, edit, and use templates in the Alma Metadata Editor.
Linking IZ Bib Records to the Network Zone
These instructions show two methods of linking IZ bib records to the Network Zone.
Last Copy Checker
Use this tool to check the number of institutions with holdings in a Network Zone bibliographic record.
Primo VE Normalization Rule Change Request
Use this form to send normalization rule (NR) change requests to the Alliance’s Normalization Rules Standing Group (NRSG) for consideration.
Protected: SCTS Community Calls
Serials Cataloging Change Request
Fill out this form to submit a serials change request to CONSER catalogers.
The purpose of the Alliance CONSER funnel is to give Alliance members a contact point for the enhancement of CONSER serials records that they cannot enhance for themselves.