Code of Conduct Task Force

The Code of Conduct Task Force will develop an Alliance Code of Conduct and accompanying processes and systems for addressing violations.

Privacy Policy

Policy for the use of Google account information collected during authentication to WordPress.

Orbis Cascade Alliance joins Open Education Network

The Orbis Cascade Alliance is piloting a consortial membership in Open Education Network. This service responds to member libraries’ needs for education and collaborative opportunities around open education, and specifically Open Educational Resources (OER).  All Alliance members receive the following benefits from consortial membership: Current OEN memberships Alliance institutions that already have Institutional memberships with […]

OER Speaker Series – May 2021

The ULC Team’s OER Standing Group presents a three-part series of panel discussions on Open Educational Resources (OER). Expand your knowledge of OER practices by learning from national and regional colleagues. Leveraging Library Consortia for OER Advocacy and Innovation Recording of Session Recording with Captions Speakers: Alison Bradley, PALCI (Slides) Emily Frank, LOUIS (Slides) Stephanie […]