Community Engagement Group (CEG)

At the end of the 2022/2023 work cycle, the RSF Team and Program Manager agreed to form the RSF Community Engagement Standing Group to focus our community’s efforts on events, training, and mentorship under one dedicated group. We will be exploring some new opportunities as well as continuing the events and calls that are such a large part of our community’s interaction.


The RSF Community Engagement Standing Group is charged with:

  • Coordinating and facilitating monthly RSF Open Calls including presentations, demonstrations, discussions, and other informative sessions from member staff, standing and project groups, and where affordable, outside speakers.
  • Maintaining awareness of concerns and impacts in the RSF community and developing panel or stand-alone training sessions that address emerging issues and priorities.
  • Continuing the work of building capacity in RSF membership by maintaining the RSF Mentorship Program and its curriculum materials, including assessing annually for interest in a renewed training and, where desirable, recruiting mentors and mentees for the year.
  • Coordinating the biennial planning and delivery of Summit & Fulfillment Day/s including scheduling, promotion, and facilitation.
  • Coordinating RSF community participation in biennial Alliance-wide Summer Meeting events.
  • Collaborating with the Consortial Training Coordinator to streamline content and training opportunities where possible.
  • Investigating grants and other funding opportunities when possible to stretch the reach of our programs and our budgets, including but not limited to Helmer Grant applications, speaker and presentation funding, and Summit & Fulfillment Day funding.

Meetings & Documentation

The CEG meets twice a month – once as a working group to fulfill our charge and plan event content, and once to lead the monthly RSF Community Call. Community Call recordings and agendas are available here, and the CEG running agenda for each year will be linked below.


Roman Block

Oregon Health & Science University

Galin Brown

Co-Chair, RSF Community Engagement Group FY24

Willamette University

Jackie Gray

Saint Martin’s University

Dawn Mosher

Co-Chair, RSF Community Engagement SG FY24

Eastern Washington University

Amy Thielen

Washington State University


Photo of Lori Hilterbrand

Lori Hilterbrand

Program Manager, Resource Sharing & Fulfillment

Orbis Cascade Alliance

Work Phone: (541) 246-2471

Pronouns: she/her/hers